Naila Gaber integrates Western and Eastern medicine and uses acupuncture, herbal medicine, and coaching to improve your health with 20 years of clinical experience. Her mission is to help people understand more about their health by providing education while exploring the root cause of their health concerns.
She obtained her medical degree (MD) from Xinjiang Medical University and gained thorough clinical experience in internal medicine. She had clinical practice integrated with Eastern Medicine in China. After finishing her residensy, she was accepted into a doctorate course in Japan. She obtained her Ph.D. degree in medical science while leading and participating in several advanced research and publications in human diseases of hematology, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases. With her extensive experience in stem cell biology from Japan, she had the opportunity to work with world-leading stem cell scientist Dr. Gordon Keller in the Hospital for Sick Children for five years, resulting in successful publications. To practice holistic health care, she became a registered acupuncturist (R.Ac) and Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner (TCMP) after long years of study and clinical training in Ontario, Canada. She collaborates with Morinomiya University, Japan, to integrate and implement Evidence-Based Holistic Care. Throughout her medical scientist career and clinical practicing MD and TCM, she gained a strong foundation and clinical knowledge to diagnose and treat human diseases using Western and Eastern medical concepts. She is committed to providing the highest quality of professional treatment with the finest skills and communication techniques. All rights reserved.