Body Contouring & Weightloss

Ultrasonic Cavitation 3 in 1 Body Contouring Treatment (UCBCT) & Weight Loss

Noninvasive ultrasonic cavitation treatments target fat deposits on various areas of the body (ranked as No.1 body contouring method in Japan) . During the procedure, a licensed professional treats these problem areas with an advanced ultrasonic device (3 types of waves gathered in one hand piece), specially, it emits low-frequency sound waves that burst fat cells to drain their contents to remove fat cells intensively. All of this performed without any incisions and relies on the body’s natural metabolic pathways to process the contents of the fat cells. One fifteen minute session is equivalent to 3 hours in the gym or 200 sit-ups. FANTASTIC RESULTS assure you can see a difference even on the very first time!


  • $99 for an Assessment and One UCBCT & Weight Loss ($210 Value)
  • $189 for an Assessment and Three UCBCT & Weight Loss ($390Value)
  • $329 for an Assessment and Six UCBCT & Weight Loss ($660 Value)

Expiration date: Expires 90 days after purchase.


UCBCT & Weight Loss:
Assessment (60 min) with treatment …… $120

Follow up (45 min) …….. $65

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